Pretty terrific

A full day that was a logistical exercise.

We had invited neighbours who live across the road over for drinks. Elbows had a brainwave that just maybe, our direct neighbours would come round with no notice and with other company … and amazingly they came. I’m so pleased. It was wonderful to get to know them a bit better.

They’ve lived next door, sharing a wall, for 9 months. It’s the 3rd time I’ve seen her and only the 4th time I’ve seen him. They’d never seen the neighbours over the road to them. They have so kept themselves to themselves. And not accepted any invites before tonight.

We had laughter. We had lots of stories. But as seems quite normal nowadays, none of our 4 guests asked me (or us) any questions at all. They happily answer our questions and tell stories and listen and nod to one another’s, but no asks.

I’ve noticed this before. It’s curious. It can’t be just a shy thing, or just a confidence thing … and it can’t be because we’re totally and utterly dull and boring … I thought it was a social skill and wonder whether it’s a lost art.

The flowers came with some wine … :-)

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