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In 1987. I graduated and found a job, and rented my first flat.
While I was doing that; himself was here…. Working 8 hours on 8 hour off during the ‘first’ gulf war, supporting Saddam Hussein for seven months.
This fell out of my wardrobe today while I was looking for something and I sat and gazed at it and I was right back there.
Heavens but those days were hard, there was no internet, no mobile phones.. it was snail mail, handwritten letters at the discretion of Royal Mail and BFPS blueys.
I remember the ship coming home. All the wife’s and Girlfriends (we were the original WAGS) were stood on the quayside, and the boat came in; the ships company standing to attention on the side of the boat.
I spotted him right away .. he spotted me too - when they went to stand easy, he missed it.
The following Christmas I sat exactly where he was sitting eating roast potatoes and cheese sauce - we were in a vegetarian mode then.
Ah those were the days.
No they weren’t. The parting were awful; the separation was worse. The coming back home - aye well that was nice
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