The Pepper Patch

By PepperG


If I remember rightly, Rosie was the robot maid on the animated show "the Jetsons" a long long time ago (I suspect that won't mean much on the other side of the Atlantic) . As the DMC and I ventured out for brunch this automated server caught our eye - will wonders never cease?

Many thanks for expressions of concern about my doc chats. My schedule is over-filled with medical/lab appointments but this happens every year during February as the docs poke, probe, and look around inside to make sure I'm doing as well as I tell them I feel (still kicking). This June is the 10th anniversary of my transplant so at this point its not my transplanted liver they worry so much about, it's the complications of the medicines I take and the other "stuff" that goes along with being a rusty old guy. 

Take care Blipfolk  ... and the adventure, as I've been known to opine, continues 

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