
I'm in the utility with the back door open.  It starts to snow.  The turbo gets harder.  I pedal harder.  It snows more.  The more I pedal, the more it snows.  I'm fairly certain the flakes were increasing in size too - massive!  What an incentive; I was really going for it now!

I wasn't convinced the conditions were going to be great though, given how much rain we've had.  I stocked up with a double dinner for late lunch, had a shower, bided my time for the snow to stop and headed out to find out.

I found heaven on the doorstep.

I laughed spontaneously at this point - a huge, HaHAAA! There's some people behind my brocken spectre who stopped to acknowledge the crackpot on the horizon as the mist cleared between us.  That'll be me!

(I've told so many people you wouldn't see a brocken spectre on the moors in the evening. Whoops.)

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