
We woke to yet another thundery morning. Soul did what he could but we him to leave it as the rain got heavier and heavier. He told us that a friend, who lives in Tembisa, experienced such a violent storm the night before, that roofs were taken off, roads became rivers, and property washed away. I also got caught last night coming home in such a downpour the water was almost up to my ankles, yet less than 2kms away the road there was a line in the road after which there was no sign of a storm.

It did clear a bit later but everything was still soggy. We came across this scene on our wander with Shiv. Not only had the falling trees taken some of the wall down but it appeared that part of their swimming pool had gone with it with the remains of their filtration system lying in the mud.

More storms were forecast for this afternoon and evening but thankfully they did not materialize.

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