Pooka Vision

By Pooka

A day spent mostly in the house playing on the computer, trying to organise it. As hard as I try all the folders and files somehow end up being highly disorganised.

I had a text from the shop where I've ordered my wedding dress and thought they were letting me know that it had arrived. No, they wanted to tell me that they were having a sale. Why would I need to know they're having a sale if I've already ordered a dress from them?...Unless when it comes I loathe it and completely regret choosing that one, in which case they're having their sale much too soon. How rude.

I decided it was time to get out the house for a bit, so went for a very short cycle-the weather was lovely 26deg C! Took this photo, bumped into a French couple and headed home. Any good weather days we have now are a real good bonus, fingers crossed they continue for another couple of months.

Now, I need to put the chicken in the oven, have a shower, wait for the man of the house to come home, feed him and then catch up with the ever expanding NicNak on skype.
Good times.

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