Woman Walking

By njoyce06

My Favorite Color!!!!!

 I was able to  get in a wonderful bike ride today.   the sky was blue, the breeze  was cool, the sun was warm and it felt GREAT!!!      I haven't been able to ride much lately due to rain, cold weather and spending time with Abby.  She gets two longish walks a day, when it's not raining.   In the cold I wrap her  up in warm coats 
       It felt so wonderful to exercise....  to feel the muscles push and feel the breeze in my face.  The first thing I spied was a brilliant red out the corner of my eye.  I leaned left, went around the round-about and went over to see what was red!  It was a convertible car.  The top was down.  The red was brilliant in the sun.  Blip was done!!!!
      The rest of the ride was superb.  I headed over to a deli restaurant/bakery at Common Square and got some lunch.  My appetite was raging.  After eating a Kaiser roll, with delicious chicken salad and cranberries with fresh cut oranges and grapes.
        Upon getting home (12 miles later) I got a nap with Abby and then another long walk with her to the retention pond where she began running around me.  We started playin a game of tag.   I lost.   She is much faster on her 4 feet than I am on  one !!!

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