Life In Wales

By KarenC


We woke up to quite heavy rain this morning, then it started hailing, after which there were rather large snowflakes. Fortunately, it cleared up in time for us load the car, ready our trip to mum’s.

I walked into the kitchen and noticed the snow on the hills, so I went upstairs and took this shot out of the back bedroom window. I bet there was a fair bit of snow in Snowdonia!

We arrived at mum’s at 12.30pm and left the dogs there while we went to meet Karen & Andy for lunch at Panache. They’d driven from South Yorkshire and it was hit and miss as to whether they made it, as there was snow on the Woodhead Pass in the Peak District. But they made it and we had a lovely lunch. It felt like quite a treat as we’ve not been out for ages due to Covid.

When we got back to mum’s we started sorting through her things and we already have a car full ready to go to the tip tomorrow, there’s a pile for charity shops and a pile to keep. I’ve also contacted a house clearance place and the guy is going to meet me here on Tuesday.

We finally sat down about 9pm and are both shattered, I think we’ll sleep well tonight!

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