
By CreativeCarol

Locks for PARC

This is my first true emergency blip! I really had a very busy day with no opportunities to take a photo. The day ended with another dinner meeting that I was hopeful a blip would appear at , but no luck!

This is a picture of a painting that a Down Syndrome girl painted for me and a lock of my hair. I was the recipient of this beautiful painting in appreciation for auctioning off my hair for PARC.

In two weeks, it will be the 10 year Anniversary of when I offered up to 18 inches of my hair to a live auction for the Pinellas Association of Retarded Children fundraiser. To my surprise, we raised $7,000 dollars for 17 and a half inches of my hair that night. In front of over 250 people, my hairdresser put my hair in a ponytail and cut it off. PARC was the benefit of the money raised, Locks of Love received my hair, and I was much cooler that summer with short hair. It has grown back in spades. I have been approached quite often to donate my hair again. If I ask my female friends if I should do this again, they say yes. If I ask my male friends, they say no. So, now I ask my Blip friends. Do I take the plunge and have it cut off again?

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