The lights of Manchester City Centre.

School has finished for half term but we were in for training. Intense training too with  test and my Ipad ran out of charge half way through. The children came in with me armed with snacks, books, heeleys. They played with my friends three and what fun they had! They had the whole school to themselves and played hide and seek, leaving written clues along the way. The headmistress laughed ! Another colleague is leaving and was having drinks in the local. Sadly only myself and another got there due to the storm. Swimming was cancelled so we managed to get the shopping done! I treated myself to a top, being extremely hopeful ( or totally daft) I opted for a size 8/10. Then got home thinking why did you buy so small? Guess what ? It fits, it blooming fits! Woohoo!
Picking something special up , tomorrow,  your going to love......

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