
By Marionb

Walkin' in a ....

....Winter Wonderland

Woke up this morning to a whole different world. Gone were the grey skies, rain, freezing rain and flooding of yesterday ... replaced by sunshine, blue skies and a blanket of white...It was the kind of landscape you see on Christmas cards...the one you hope to wake up to on Christmas morning... the kind of morning that makes you want to get out and walk through a woods I did....

I went down to Lynde Shores  - it is almost at my doorstep, so even after a heavy snowfall when the roads aren't all that good, it is easy to get there. Being a weekday, it was not busy. I met only two photographers and a young couple pulling  a small child on a sled the whole time I was there, so I was usually alone on the path and could just stand around in awe, watching the birds and the squirrels and enjoying the uninterrupted silence......It was absolutely magical...and fleeting. Even as I was departing, the sky was clouding over and the snow was beginning to tumble off the branches .. 

Timing is everything... 

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