Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Socialising, in two parts

What a busy day this turned out to be! Busy, really, in the old way, the way we've sort of forgotten about. It wasn't promising when I woke at 7ish - my bedroom window, the one facing northish, was plastered with wet snow that filled the room with that eerie greyness of snow days. It had me up getting my phone to take a photo of it, but I then went back to bed, had another wee sleep and waited for my tea. I was still at breakfast when a text came through from a friend: did I fancy going for that coffee and catch-up that we'd talked about...?

So that's the main photo here - Walker's in Dunoon. Actually, it's not really in Dunoon, but on the road out of town, at the rear of what I always used to think of as a hardware/garden shop with a tiny tearoom on the side. In recent times they expanded the cafe side of the business to this pleasant space, where instead of buying compost and paintbrushes - or gifts, or a Christmas tree - I sat drinking coffee and blethering for two hours. 

My extra photo shows the venue for my afternoon socialising, when I went for a walk round the Bishop's Glen with my bestie. It was quite hideously wet and muddy and slushy underfoot in several places, but it was good to be out even in the wet snowfall that soaked us on our way back down. We met another church friend with her patient dog on the loch side, and stood blethering for ages while Gus the dog investigated other dogs that passed - it's a very doggy place. I felt we had to keep checking to make sure we still had the right dog after they'd gone ...

When I came home, because it's Friday and Himself makes curry on Fridays, I had the luxury of sitting at the computer doing my Italian with a glass of sherry and a wee bowl of cashew nuts. 

What more could a body ask for?

Footnote: I've just seen the evening news and realised how little we were affected by either storm this week. These planes landing ... that tree ...the Millennium Dome... to say nothing of the poor souls that were killed. We've been lucky.

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