A kind of Blue

This morning it wasn't a kind of, it just was.  
The owls were at it all night and the other birds got their act together and gave us the first dawn chorus of the year.
If you spread your arms out wide this morning you could catch the moon in your right hand and Venus in the left.
it was deceptively promising.
The last day of a seven week slog, the boys were tired and the computers were down but I left school with a lifted heart and Springsteen on the radio.
In the short time it took to go to the bank to rectify my overdraft I got a parking fine for plonking the car by the cathedral wall.
Josette and I ate slices of black radish with salted butter and drank quite a bit of wine.   The blue day had turned into evening rain and I walked her home with Bobby's coat over her head.
She forced the butt end of a baguette into Bernie's mouth and a bottle of Dop egg shampoo from Secours Catholique  into my hands.
The alarm won't ring in the morning.

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