The Art of Noise

Middle aged men and guitars, and maybe beer. What a great way to spend a couple of hours.

Here you can see Bill and Pete. If anyone can guess what they are singing then they will receive a beer (clearly families are excluded).

Back to work today, from home as I needed to wait in for the new fridge. Oddly enough for a first day back I seemed to get a lot done. I've been aiming for 'Inbox Zero' which basically means you deal with, file or delete stuff and so end up with nothing in your inbox. Even though I have sorted stuff while I've been on holiday there were still over 400 items in there. There are now 7, that delete thing really works:) I suspect I'll spend tomorrow going through the bin looking for stuff!

And a new fridge freezer, the plumbing was entertaining (I got a bit of a soaking) all working now though. The children are very excited as it seems a tap on a fridge door is more exciting than any other tap.

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