Emergency Robin

I had a short walk today - just 2.2 miles, it was blowing a gale, but didn’t rain too much.

I didn’t even get my camera out of the bag…nothing really grabbed me.

Home again and I had to ‘tidy’ the garden - retrieving patio chairs and stashing them in the shed.

I did manage to grab this shot of a robin in the garden, from the kitchen again - excuse all the weeds in the background. I also noticed that there was a rat on the bird feeders - we haven’t seen one since I put down some poison in a baiting station in the garden a few weeks ago. So, next job was to reload the poison bait - all the previous one had gone.

After lunch we loaded up the car with all the stuff for the stand at the quilt show, then headed over to Harrogate to set up. It didn’t take too long this time as we have not taken all the racks and fabric bolts…Mrs madwill has been busy cutting pieces to make bundles and packs to sell and we could just transport them all in boxes and bags. Fingers crossed for the next three days - let's hope people still come to the event despite the forecasted weather.

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