A surprise...

Strange sleeping hours last night.
My internet playing up all day, as in not syncing between devices, then not being able to load up internet pages, chat apps trying to connect but not able to do so, and I thought email was very quiet. Suddenly in the evening a flood of emails came through, including 'Your parcel was delivered at 10.46 am this morning' ...
What parcel?
I am not expecting a parcel...
It is now nearly 12 hours later...
Do I still have a parcel with these high winds...
So, I shoot outside...
With my miner's lamp strapped to my head...
Fortunately it had been placed in a safe place...
It's heavy.
It is addressed to me...
I open it...
Oh that was a confusing surprise.
But welcome nonetheless...
But on second thought...

Then the iPad screen lights up. It's a friend who has been trying to get hold of me all day on a chat app. But all it said was 'connecting', and never connected up all day. So we discussed my parcel and other matters. 

2am, and I try for sleep.
I give up on sleep. No point struggling.

I should have gone out today, but no chance in this wind. And when I went out on Monday to the local shops (they are all old buildings with slate roofs), many of them had slates that were sliding down the roofs (I thought that was rooves, but spellcheck replaces it with roofs...doesn't feel right), so I will need a hard hat next time I venture down there.

Okay. Creative for today. 
Due to that unexpected parcel arriving, I now have 200 tête-à-tête daffodils. They are in the green, that is they all have roots, leaves, and buds emerging. I didn't know you could get them like this. I thought it was just 'dry' bulbs in a packet. So they have to go in the ground now. Poor things, they were growing nicely in their home soil, then dug up, spent 2 days in a plastic bag in a box in the back of a van, thrown here there and everywhere, and sent to me as a surprise. I'll have to give them some TLC when I plant them. I think I'll need a back brace on today...but a crane lift to get me up and down might be more appropriate...

So today's creative is yellow, and now you know why. Popeye crept in the painting, and asked for a bright Snow moon, so I obliged.

Be good. You never know what is around the corner, or that you suddenly have 200 growing daffodil bulbs to carefully plant...no throwing these on the soil...(which is my usual method for planting bulbs and throwing a spade full of soil on them, my way is job done in 5 minutes.)

This is looking like a marathon...

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