Sneeze light ashes

By ljososke

Ferrania Zeta Duplex 2

As a child, I had the pleasure of exploring my parent's box camera. They did not use it much, there is a picture of me about one year old, the next of me is when I am around four.
So the camera was empty, and open for a curious investigator. The sound of the shutter, and watching it work from the inside!

The camera used 120 film, and one to me fascinating feature was the choice between 6x9 or 4.5x6 cm exposures using film masking flaps. Well yes, I did understand the connection to the size of the paper prints, they were contact copies, remember?!

Where do we get our interest in photography from? I guess my parent's camera may have had some kind of enthusiasm building effect on me.

My parent's camera
the old magic
in collecting dust

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