
By barbarathomson

Peace, Flood and War

With the last few days of rain the fells have become saturated. All the impermanent becks are full to overflowing with the roaring water being pushed up into hummocks wherever there is a constriction. The Lakes are very full and standing water in the meadows around Lorton heralds potential flooding in Cockermouth. This morning my sister and I set up the first two sections of the flood barriers where her house backs on to the Cocker – just in case.

However, in the afternoon the rain eased off and we went to Crummock Water for a walk and a swim. There’s a nice spot to jump in where two thick holly bushes dig their roots into the shingle. They block the wind well but you need to be careful where you put bare feet. There was not any beach today of course but that means you can topple off the bank easily and immerse more quickly. Any hesitation in plunging in prolongs the excruciation of cold water creeping up warm skin.
The water temperature must be quite low today as there is snow on the tops and I’ve taken to wearing a woolly hat as well as aqua gloves. It makes a surprising difference.

Running up from the Lake, following the tumbling beck, the roar of the falls becomes louder and louder – and then extremely loud – as two fighter jets follow-the-leader down the length of the valley a few hundred feet above the surface.

It’s been so quiet today here, just the sheep and ourselves, in this beautiful bleak February landscape.
It’s a colder thought being reminded of the tensions and the threat of War flooding out of the East.
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