
I decide my dwarf irises will be ideal subjects for today’s Tiny Tuesday. This year I have some deep wine coloured additions to the usual blue, currently at various stages of development. 

Today’s main is a tiny spear of moisture-beaded growth, deep purple petals folded tight, encased in ribbed and speckled lime. It’s only when I download the image that I realise there’s an uninvited guest; an even tinier aphid - at least that’s what I think it is - and as it’s very tiny, best viewed large! Its secret presence makes me even more aware of just how bad my eyesight’s getting! I desperately need my appointment at the opticians - but following two cancellations, it’s now not taking place until April! 

Of course, it’s impossible to resist the more mature specimens or Iris, so there’s a bit more purple in extras! 

Thanks to Cathy1947 for hosting! 

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