My No1 is 30

My eldest son is 30 today. How did that happen? He and his brother really are the best things that have ever happened to me.

Unfortunately we can’t be together, nor can he see his brother as planned as bro has Covid! So he’s having a quiet day at home, looking for a new flat as currently he’s in a 2 bed that he shared, but now he lives alone he wants something cheaper.
I sent him cupcakes, candles  and coincidentally a wonderful beanie from the BBC , not that one.. the British Beard Club , arrived today , which I was alerted to at the meet up last week with Indredibish. see extra.
His main present is a trip with me in October.

Next weekend we’re  having a family get together for 10 in London, so for a bit of fun I made this collage, which has 30 photos of him from 0-29 on it. This is a screen shot of the creation, so hopefully won't be so pixelated! Hope he likes it!

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