Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Surgery Preperation

Had some good news that L's (AKA Flip Top) op had gone well and she was awake, all be it a bit grumpy apparently. Can't blame her, waking up in a ward with three other people after you had just had your head taken apart can't be good. I also expect they hadn't given her two cups of tea to start with.

She is awake and talking. Just need to see how well her vision is and how well she can read over the next few days.

Came home after doing some research at work and got ready to perform open cavity surgery on Marley the Roomba. Managed to get all the essential tools and visual materials together.

The surgery went well and he is charging up. Tomorrow will see if it has cured the problem or if some more episodes of House are in order to identify the root cause.

On a down side, the trip to Brum has left me with a life-threatening dose of Man Flu by the feel of things.

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