Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Spring beauty

It may be February, but there are lots of Spring flowers in bloom in our village. I managed a very shot walk this afternoon. (Time constrained by ongoing printer problems.) It was good to be out in the fresh air.

I photographed the aconites and snowdrops in Margret (next door)'s garden, then moved to Dick and Susan's, just next door to that. Here the hellebores are in full flower. I must check the ones in my garden. It seems very early. There are a variety of colours, including an almost black one (not in this image). You might also spot an exotic bird.

The prints were mounted and ready for the Tynedale Photo Group tonight. It was an evening of Travel Photography. Eight of us showed panels of 6 prints. It was a fun evening with some excellent images.

I had been very dubious about mine, but when they were on the stands with the lights on them, I was very happy with them. The theme was Slate. I had images of a slate quarry and a slate mill, then three from the FFestiniog railway, first constructed to transport slate down the valley.

I was so tired when I got home that I did not manage to post my blip.

PS Good news, I also had my shingles jab today. I've had shingles three times, so I will be glad to be protected from further episodes.

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