Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

A Museum Trip... and More!

I managed to "kill a few birds with that proverbial one stone" today!

A trip into London achieved a few things:

For Amy's home work this holiday, she has to write about an important Victorian. She has chosen Charles Dickens, so I thought a trip to the Charles Dickens Museum would help cover most of the research.

James has wanted to go to Nandos for lunch, ever since they opened a branch in Teddington a few months ago. Most of his friends have already visited it, but as this sort of trip is viewed as a treat in our household, I thought the Easter holidays would be a good time to fit this in. There is one just around the corner from Mark's work, so I thought we could meet him for lunch before going to the museum... an extra bonus for the kids! (Also by doing this today, James will not have a melt down on Saturday when Amy goes again for a party!)

And finally I needed to go to John Lewis on Oxford Street, so we managed to fit that in too.

We were all exhausted by the time we got home. The kids are already in bed... a record for the holidays!

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