I was wandering back through town intending to get straight on the bus when I spotted Bob the Flower had some Anemones. I'll have plenty in the garden later on in the summer but for now I couldn't resist a bunch - especially one with so many blue flowers in it.
I can't tell if this pic is any good or not - I calibrated the monitor the other day in regular daylight but now it's starting to get a bit dull/dark out there everything doesn't look quite right. Hey ho.... I'm not going to fret about it
I had vague plans of snapping the guys who are erecting scaffolding on the front of the office building today but they've not quite reached my window yet and just a single pole sticking up doesn't really make an entertaining picture.
- 7
- 1
- Sony SLT-A65V
- 1/100
- f/9.0
- 30mm
- 100
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