A case of mistaken identity?

Or "A rose by any other name...",
"Never seen a Bulldog that shape." or even
"Call a spade a spade? He calls it a bloody shovel."

When Ah waz a lad, all our "spades" had points, like this one. The only thing with a squared off end was our "Square-mouthed shovel", which also had "greedy-boards" like an overgrown coal shovel.
I was gobsmacked, after marriage, to find, when trying to buy my own, that all the available spades had square ends.

We were out at a local farm supplier's today, looking to but some Onduline sheeting, when I almost squealed "Ooh LOOK, a proper spade.".
Thing is ... The label told me it was a Shovel.

Being me, of course, I just had to Google© "Images spade" and ditto "Shovel". Aside from the Hearts, clubs and diamonds variety both sets of images, to my eye, showed equal numbers of spades and shovels.

"Do not compute."

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