Current Reading
Back home and busy, so just one photo taken today. It’s what I’m currently reading.
Two books. We’re taking part in the Zoe Covid Study, fronted by Professor Tim Spector of Kings College London. His big interest is the science of diet and nutrition, which is what “Spoon Fed” is all about. And I’ve had Luke Harding’s “Shadow State” for a little while, the current crisis around Ukraine which Russia and more especially Putin is driving has encouraged me to read it. It reads like a John le Carré novel, which is quite a complement. The FSB and GRU’s success in using a cascade of hacked information (which is of course denied) to influence the US election in 2020 to get Trump elected (the chapter I’ve just read) is impressive and deeply worrying. What are they up to currently I wonder.
And I subscribe to New Scientist magazine (it’s one of my favourite mag’s), and I’ve been asked with others to test run the beta version of the new App. I prefer print when it comes to magazines and books (I would never read a book on a screen), so this is a new experience for me. And it’s good, there is a lot more here than in the weekly print magazine.
I notice that today’s mono Monday challenge is around the theme of communication. So fortuitously this fits the bill I think. What are books and magazines if not the communication of news, views, information, ideas and stories. And of course the photograph is taken with my smart phone, the 21st century all purpose communication device.
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