Near The End

After breakfast I went for a walk along the beach and out to the small Island which is reached by a submerged sandbar - about 2' at its deepest.

The highest point (probably about 20') has a nice view towards the hotel over the bay and the fantastic coloured water but I hadn't risked taking a camera (knowing my luck I would have tripped and dropped it either in the sea or onto the really nasty, jaggy rocks which make up most of the island. These rocks actually worked to my advantage because almost nobody goes over there with footwear ..... I carried my sandals. This meant that I could pick my way over to the far side where I found a lovely sheltered spot on a flat rock (a very rare thing out there) and just watch the waves coming in while soaking up the sun all by myself for a while.

I was just about to start wading back to the mainland when I heard "DADDY" being shouted out - it was my new daughter-in-law. She and No1 son were just about at the island - complete with glasses of champagne and nearly empty bottle. So much for them not wanting to meet anybody! (Mainly to keep the MILFH away). They were delighted that the hotel had given them 3 extra free bottles of bubbly. Ummmmm - that will be the 3 bottles not used for the toasts that I had paid for! But I don't begrudge them.

Some time was spent with our friends just chatting in the sun on their patio (and watching Peter the Pelican wander past) while the kids slept.

As we all went in for diner No1 son and daughter-in-law turned up for theirs ..... him in his kilt and her in her wedding dress - she said it cost too much just to wear once.

After diner it was all back to ours where we were joined by the best man and his wife. What an evening it turned into. So much fun, laughter and story telling. The best being daughter-in-laws tales of pain and chaffing last night due to No1 sons never ending desires. It may sound rather tawdry and too much information but the way she told it was hysterical.

I do love the joy and laughter my new daughter-in-law brings. I think we will keep her.

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