Mono Monday : Communication

I came to the online world rather late, when I bought a mobile phone that could also get the internet, at the grand old age of fifty-nine. 
It was a new interest, which I made more and more use of, until the dreadful day when my phone announced that I had reached the end of my allotted usage for the month, and would need to wait a whole week until I could get online.
Horrified, I instantly bought a laptop and virtually taught myself how to use it, with the help of various “ the internet for old dummies “ publications.
In 2009 I got my first digital camera, which coincided with a new interest in bumblebees, and the production of numerous photos of the little buzzing beauties which I wanted to share.
Miss Beewatcher, a millennial who grew up with the internet, had been on facebook for years, and easily persuaded her old mother to join her on it.
With the gift of an iPad for my seventieth birthday, mother/daughter communication changed from texts on mobile phones to messages on facebook messenger, which is the way today’s blip arrived this morning.
Suits me, though I must say the handsome pup looks even better in full colour.

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