Bath Botanical Gardens

Had a morning walk there with a friend, which we really enjoyed despite the rain. Crocuses and snowdrops galore - though a lot of the crocuses had been flattened. Not sure whether by the rain or by dogs - as many of the dog walkers were ignoring the keep your dog on the lead notices and letting them run anywhere:-(
The squirrels and small birds there are very tame - a great tit was just a couple of feet from us in a tree, singing away.  I expect they get fed a lot, and associate humans with treats.  We must take some bird food next time. Of course I didn’t manage a photo of the little singer. I thought the wet purple crocuses were the best, but I’ve added an extra of snowdrops.  Plus a snap of some mimosa flowers - Is was so rainy by then I just grabbed a quick shot

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