A Second Coming

It is a long time since Edinburgh has had such a wet and miserable Sunday. It has rained all day with puddles forming on paths and trees dripping raindrops.

Only desperate people under umbrellas are abroad on the Meadows and I am not that desperate although cabin fever is setting in now that I’ve read the Sunday paper from cover to cover, done a washing picking out the bits of paper handkie which had inveigled itself into the wash unbeknownst, solved my Wordle challenge and cast on some knitting. I have also watched extensive coverage on TV of big men cross country skiing in weather that looks almost as bad as here and limitless news about the Ukraine. I have ditched watching the England/Italy rugby match and the film Emma for a background of Classic FM on the radio. Surely tea time can’t be far away….. eating is such a welcome diversion.
My flowers are a colourful spot in a monochrome world.This is the second flowering of the cactus which had already put on a brilliant show a month before Christmas.

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