Neon Rain

Goapele - Closer

Time just keeps slipping from my fingers and it feels like I'm truly wasting every second. I dunno, what goes up must come down I suppose. Maybe I'm just tired... I dunno. Time to keep thinking towards the future and what I truly want. Maybe it's time to get into an isolation tank and clear everything from my mind. Somehow, feeling disorganised although I have nothing to worry about, I have nothing to want.

Have you ever had a feeling you know you can't get rid of from your mind? Like when you're obsessed in love and the image glues your entire system together like inescapable gel; an airless void of lukewarm darkness, retarding every movement as the real world reigns down on you like acid neon nails.

Some things you can control, but the mind plays tricks underneath the conflict between feelings and logic. But like most problems that seemed inescapable, the adoption of ignorance helps foster its brother, forgetfulness, into the fray to help sweep it under the rug. It will be forgotten. The only choice now is whether you wish to act upon it and ruin what is beautiful now in exchange for another empty void.

Time will tell.

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