A perfect day with Mom
The northern shore of Cle Elum Lake...
Although the dealership does a good job helping take care of my mom's car, she has had several tire problems lately (and I found a tire with a cut in the sidewall) so I took her car down to the tire shop to have new tires and tire sensors put on. Hopefully that will end all tire issues plus my sister and I know she has great tires again.
Being such a beautiful day outside I asked her if we should go and test out those tires. She said yes and told me she would buy lunch and dessert for getting the car fixed and taking her on a ride. We headed up Snoqualmie Pass (which is in the first extra), over to Roslyn and out to Salmon La Sac - along the beautiful Cle Elum Lake to the roads end. (it isn't plowed past this point during winter) On the way back we stopped at the Roslyn Cafe for a wonderful hamburger (eaten outside for our safety) and then to the Cle Elum Bakery for dessert. The last extra is for Laurie in Arizona - those a-frames protect the fire hydrants from snow drifts and allows the snowplows / fire departments to always know where they are..
Looking forward to the game tomorrow. I hope it is a good one..
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