
By Mindseye

Seeing double

Been a bit all over the place lately, hadnt realised Id not blipped for a couple of days :-0

Slept ok, late to bed as is usual these days. Didn’t need to rush this morning though as wasnt meeting my camera club friend & fellow blipper Fiona until 11 at RHS Bridgwater, despite the grotty weather….we decided to go!

The rain had stopped when we arrived so made the most of it and had a walk through the woods….. it was really quite cold, hands were freezing despite gloves, a couple of short sharp showers but we didnt get soaked.

This symmetrical shot is my fav of the day, their ornamental pond, looking good even in the grey dismal dampness!

After our wander we headed back indoors for a warm coffee and a bit of cake ;-) We sat and had a good ol natter for an hour before heading off by which time it was almost 2pm.

I intended going home, but decided to pop into town to buy a fresh chicken to cook for dinner later. I fancied thai green curry and then a roast dinner tomorrow. I was still really cold so headed into Costa for my usual…….. the flat white I had at RHS was nice nice, but in a very small glass :-/

Enjoyed my curry, watched the Masked Singer finale, it was ok, then the new Starstruck show, quite enjoyed it tbh. Treated myself to a rum & coke….. no idea where the time has gone……its now almost 01.00am :-/ bedtime I guess !

I am not being a very good blip buddy at the moment, I need to have a proper catch up session……. I will, soon, I promise!

Night all

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