Branscombe Mouth

We met up with friends at Beer late morning for a walk along the cliffs to Branscombe.  It was very windy as we shared cake and coffee before we set off.  Although the sun was coming and going during the walk the wind was very strong especially since we were walking along the tops of the cliffs.  We decided against the narrow path down into the rockfall area due to the strength of the wind and took the wide path past the renovated old coastguard lookout tower.    The hills are pretty steep in this area and we scampered quickly down into Branscombe Mouth.  The beach looked pretty wild, the sea waves were crashing in and there was a misty haze when looking back towards Beer.  All very exhilarating.  We then climbed up the coastal path for a bit before taking a turning back into Branscombe.  

We ate our sandwiches on a bench in the village and by now the weather had become fairly grey and windy.  Fortunately it was a shorter inland route back to Beer.  We covered 6 miles in all and had a good time catching up with our friends. 

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