My Little Moo Moo

The weather here in the Dales has been pretty miserable today. We did venture out for a walk but got soaked!!!

So I spent the afternoon with a crochet hook, Mr W spent it on the computer and Lady Linda with a book!

Mr W and LL then went out for some logs but the usual supplier closed at 12 so he got some from the hardware store in Sedbergh. Sadly they were too green to burn. Obviously they had only just been cut which annoyed me as they are not fit for purpose and we were left without a fire tonight!!

But we had the best ever fish and chips for dinner and a lovely face time with Matty Moo Moo. He radiates with smiles when he sees me its just melts my heart!

Late update.... Sam has just landed at Luton from Ukraine. Thank god he's home!! X

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