Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Popping and shopping...

Popped down to see that Uncle A could get himself organised on his own in the mornings. Spent an hour or so reading the papers - all about Mrs Thatcher. I didn't live in the UK when she was PM, and I find it all quite interesting, but I'm glad I missed it all at the time.

From there I popped into town to get a couple of shirts for Uncle A (he needs slightly bigger ones - easier to pull on) so I braved M&S and its pop muzak, whipped in, spotted a couple of suitable ones and out again before I started complaining to all the attendants about the ridiculously unsuitable soundtrack they provide 'for my shopping pleasure'. NOT.

Popped into Primark for some jogging pants - easier to pull on with one hand. And it was peaceful and pleasant. What a difference. At least Uncle A didn't ask me to buy something in Jenners. I refuse to go in there - they have little ghetto blasters (on full blast) in each department, seemingly leaving the choice of muzak to the resident attendant.

And that's more shopping than I've done in years! Had a wander in the park and took the bus back home for lunch.

Then I had a couple of hours of extreme frustration. My photos wouldn't download (upload?). Tried all the usual things, including switching off the computer, changing the USB port, trying it on the iPad. Nothing. I even dug out a big box of hundreds of old cords, found one that fitted - no. Nothing. I was on the point of thinking I had to go back into town, to a computer shop that may or may not have the cord I needed, when I tried it once more on a different USB port (having already done it on one currently in use) and lo and behold! It sprung into life!

I then spent another frustrating hour stitching this photo (six separate ones). That spinning beach ball will cause me to tear my hair out - and it need it all! Of course, it was all skew-iff, so I had to use 'distort' and 'skew' to get the verticals vertical. And each click of the mouse was another 5 minutes of spinning beach ball. Grrrrr! I've got rid of dozens of photos, so later on I get rid of applications - I still have ones that I used when at school, and don't use now. If that doesn't work, it's a new computer! I love spending hours on the computer, but not spending hours waiting trying to do something simple.

I had to choose this one because it took me SO long. I'm not even going to check any of the others. It shows the bit where the Winter Wonderland Highland Village Ice Rink was, and of course the grass was ruined. So it's been tilled and probably some instant grass rolled out. The Cooncil do keep Princes Street Gardens nice.

Which reminds me, I must take up the invitation to meet the Man in Charge of the (Waterless) Fountain...

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