But Wait There's More

Not one but two butterflies opened today.  The top one was out when I emerged from the bedroom this morning and an hour later I could see the second chrysalis had spilt and I turned my back to get the camera and it was out.  Looking at the times on my photos it only took a minute to go from crumpled wings to fully straightened wings as seen here. They are just hanging and haven't started opening their wings so I don't know if they are male or female.  
P.S extra photo two hours later and they are getting restless.  It is two males.  The first to open this morning I took on my finger to the window.  He has flown off to a tree in the garden.  

Love Is Like A Butterfly                             Dolly Parton 

Love is like a butterfly
As soft and gentle as a sigh
The multicolored moods of love are like its satin wings
Love makes your heart feel strange inside
It flutters like soft wings in flight
Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing . . . 

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