
Another not-full-day at work, in at 8, home for 2 - might have to offer to do these part-shifts more often. Obviously you're there more actual days in the week but....a bit of variety an' all that.

Pedal out back in the afternoon, and then a trip to Lidl over teatime. Not been there for ages, unsurprisingly it was exactly as I remembered it and as unexciting as ever too. Still, that IPA's going down a treat right now so far from a wasted journey!

Turbo Mix #422

Public Image Ltd. - Careering
The Fall - Couldn't Get Ahead
LCD Soundsystem - Tribulations
Buen Clima - Croma
Silicon Scally - Amino
Cabaret Voltaire - Nag Nag Nag
Los Bitchos - The Link Is About To Die
Wire - I Am The Fly
The Stooges - Down On The Street
Orbital - Belfast (ANNA Ambient Remix)

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