
By Transitoire

Ooh la la la la

Morning was spent in bed. As normal, Thibaud and I spent the majority of time we were awake "arguing" about which country is better, what music is better and of course him being a man he had to have control of the computer! I don't think either of us could be arsed to get out of bed until the temptation of a MacDonald's breakfast lunch tempted us out of the front door with Pierre to get some food. I had the option of going home afterwards then coming back in to meet Baptiste...but I was too comfortable installed on the couch, and plus everyone else was starting to wake up and socialise and I don't like leaving social situations at the best of times! Although I do have to say, boy are French young people addicted to their can't get them off them!

So, as this picture proves I stepped outside the flat, walked across the road and met Baptiste in the coffee shop there (yes, very lazy I know!) and he really is ridiculously photogenic, makes my job too easy! This is what he looks like with no sleep, a hangover and in clothes from the night before...and no, I have no idea how he does it! Lots of things to talk about as ever, discussing the ever stranger situations I seem to find myself in recently, as well as his own rather entertaining tales of times that should sometimes be recounted, then forgotten for all time...somehow both of us seem to create havoc wherever we go!

Havoc: ravages, dégâts
To play havoc with: désorganiser complètement, détraquer

After coffee I headed back to the apartment, then Thibaud and I went to the cinema to see 'Warm Bodies'. And you know what, not a bad film at all. We had a discussion at the beginning of how I was meant to say the title of the film with a French accent (as they haven't translated the title at all), which involved a lot of Thibaud taking the piss out of me as I attempted to say obviously English words with an accent. It pained me. So the nearest approximation I can come to is "Wahrrmm Bodiii", with no 's', bien sûr. The film was not in version originale, which would have made things easier for me, but harder for Thibaud...but overdubbed in French with obviously no subtitles. Funny thing is, I understood exactly what was going on, which compared to me at the beginning is a real improvement. The only issues I had was when the actors were speaking with a "zombie accent" sometimes the French was too mumbled for me to hear and I had to call for Thibaud's aid! Film itself, well, I really enjoyed it...even though there were a few plot holes and the ending was rather cliché. However, with the ending, however it had ended it would have been cliché so I don't really think you can blame them for that. For me, this film lived up to the trailer; although it would be nice to see it in the original language at some point.

When I got home I managed to finally Skype the lovely has been too long. So much has happened in the past few weeks that he ended up making a sign with the words 'Typical Jen' written on it for whenever I was recounting a situation that only I could find myself in. Feeling rather sorry for him actually, as he is in the middle of the exams that I don't have at all this year (assistantship vs. university - assistantship wins!), including a stinker at 8am this Saturday coming, poor guy. We both commiserated over having so much washing up that the only options are not eating, or takeaway...illustrated perfectly by French video blogger Cyprien. Anyhows, through a random twist of conversation (Hugo and I, what do you expect?!) we ended up talking about star signs and somehow ended up on the French Wikipedia (yes, don't ask). Turns out that Hugo, due to the placement of his birth, gets to have his main characteristics as bienfaisant et favourable (benevolent and propitious) whereas I get to be inconstant (inconstant) and our domaines; for Hugo are l'espérance, le bonheur, le gain et les héritages (hope, happiness, gain and inheritances) and I get to have the lovely les maladies, les dettes, le commerce et la crainte (diseases, debt, trade and fear). How is that even fair?! Did make us laugh though, the whole astrology thing is always a fun topic to discuss around midnight on a Sunday night!

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