
By Farmerboab

Wednesday Waggon... .

One of those days again.
Went to feed the outside cows and there was one missing. Eventually found her down next to the march fence in the rushes with a new born calf. She was one that was PDd empty last May so was put in with the spring calves to get billed again in July. Turns out she must have just been pregnant and no more in May.
Anyway,got Kev to help me bring them into a shed as it hadn't sucked and mummy was a wee bit enthusiastic!
Got her in just in time as a dirty big snow shower started soon after. Then had to milk out the cow and stomach tube the calf.
This lorry arrived in at 2.30 pm after the driver phoned to say he would be there at 1 pm ! Bit my tongue and unloaded the 2 ton pallets of minerals to mix into the sheep and cattle feeding mixes and sent him on his merry way.

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