Princess Elizabeth Hospital

I got a phone call mid morning to ask whether I’d like to take an appointment with the rheumatologist this afternoon which had just come up because of a cancellation. Yes please! And it turns out that I’m not really in bad shape for someone who’d had Rheumatoid Arthritis for over 30 years. And he will x-ray my knee so that I know what’s going on with it. I did ask about walking and said a GP had told me I shouldn’t walk more than 100 yards without resting. He said he’d be very interested to know why on earth she thought that!
I went straight from the hospital to a meeting of the Town Walk Guides. I expected I’d really just be there to see what was going on but now it looks as if I’ll be on the rots myself. In fact since I volunteered to organise the rota I’ll definitely be on it!

Wordle 2 Nerdle 4 so a good day there
And Wordle2 in 6

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