
By WiesoWarum


This being my first day off* in a long time, I thought I should catch up on some much needed sleep. Fourteen hours later I finally woke up. Most of the day had already passed me by.

I grabbed my bike and headed out the door to put together and edit my group project at the library. Unfortunately, I did not peek outside before I left. The looming dark cloud you see here poured its little heart out on me (if you consider rain to be the heart of a cloud).

Me, wearing only a hoodie. Me, in ballerina flats. Me, on my bike.

*"Day off" is referring to that happy pause between the end of classes and the beginning of final exams, when I should be studying but am definitely not (although this day did involve many unanticipated hours spent on my group term project, so it wasn't entirely unproductive)

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