Restoration project

Drove to the fabulous Western Style town of Reefton - town of lights. Saloons, old coal mining stuff every where and the unlikeliest place to find fanciest skate park outside of LA! We mooched around Reefton liking it's feel, second hand bookshops where you had to go next door to pay, a frame shop that doubled as the bike hire centre and the town proudly displayed electric street lights...the very first in NZ in the 1880's. The main road was called Broadway! There was only a main road, as is the way of most small South Island NZ places that we've visited.
We some spent time with some the 'Old Bearded Mining Co'. A group of hairy gentlemen wild west miners at their original mining hut. They dress up in 1880's style clothing, hang out at the hut /yard in the middle of town with outdoor and indoor stoves on the go, coffee in the billy, scones on the fire and chat to anyone! They were a mine (sorry)of info about anything minish, iron works, rusty metal and local knowledge. They put us on to a great little 2 hour walk taking in abandoned mining paraphernalia....Hubs was in rusty metal/engineering heaven and I liked his enthusiasm so much that I ended up blipping a 1915 Leyland Truck!
It was with a quite deep sense of sadness that we left a rainy Reefton, to head back to Golden Bay, nothing to do with Golden Bay, just the end of our 4 week South Island roadie. Hubs and I are rocking along together just dandy and love spending our time walking, exploring, looking and work, no pressure, no money - we have to get back to Rich and Amiti for some more dosh!

Turned for home (well Golden Bay) in the afternoon. Very very sad to be ending out tour part of the holiday. We have fun plans with our hosts to get back for and need to get Stan organised for selling (boo hoo).

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