See That Girl, Watch That Scene

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I went into the office today and was very glad I did. Corrie, Fazzy, Jefe, Losi and I continued to work in the boardroom where Jefe was trying to configure a Surface Hub. One of these things. 

He was like a kid on Christmas morning.

However, it turned out to be more complicated than we thought. There may have been swearing.

Fazzy, Corrie and I showed our support by going out for lunch. Also ice-cream.

Well, that was the plan. After our chips we discovered that MacDonald's ice-cream machine was busted. So we went to the supermarket and bought Trumpets* instead.

I always have a backup plan, people.

In the supermarket, "Dancing Queen" was playing. Corrie and Fazzy disco-ed their way to the checkout, singing and ooh-oohing along and once again I felt bound to say out loud how much I effing LOVE this project. 

Back in the office I worked on some communications with Fazzy. We have been asked to write a thing on room etiquette (subtext: "This is why we can't have Nice Things"). This is because people are not very considerate and our making the meeting rooms handy and easy to use has just exacerbated this. 

But Fazzy and I are who we are so our meeting was not particularly professional. Losi even asked us nicely to stop bickering because we really do. All the time. For example, Fazzy was giving me crap today because I didn't play her signature theme song when she entered the room this morning.

So I made sure it was playing when Fazzy came back from the loo. As a result she entered the room with gangsta swag and went straight into it:

Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole
Nate Dogg is about to make some bodies turn cold
Now they dropping and yelling
It's a tad bit late
Nate Dogg and Warren G had to regulate

"I'm not like this," she protested. "I'm really very sensible when I'm not with you."

I consider that a great compliment. 

We had a lovely afternoon chatting and working on the Room Etiquette stuff. We decided pictures would help so today's blip is just one photo of Fazzy showing how easy it is to present to the room. Just one photo of about ONE HUNDRED, might I add. She confiscated my phone and went through every picture I took of her. 

"Bleah! Delete! Oh my god! Symon! Delete! Delete! Delete!"

What do YOU think Blip-Followers? I think she looks lovely. 

"Bleah! Delete!" 

It went on like this for quite some time. We got Corrie and Losi in on the photography action too and today's extra is Corrie and Fazzy pretending to be inconsiderate room users who refuse to vacate when their time is up. That one makes me laugh because they were in stitches with each other when I tried to take it. 

But back where the real work was happening, Jefe was still trying to figure out the Surface Hub. He was still at it at six thirty after everyone had gone. Except me. I thought I'd keep him company. I wanted him to have as good a day as I'd had and I could tell he was starting to get a little bit frazzled by the ever-helpful Microsoft instructions. 

So in between multiple reboots of the device we chatted. We are both huge movie nerds and he thinks my taste is dubious to put it mildly**. That's okay, I like the debate and it is always friendly. He's a HEEEE-YUGE Tarantino fan and I am "ambivalent" as I put it. "Feel free to throw things," I added. 

Long story short, I am now booked in for a Tarantino Retrospective with him. It says something about his charm and intelligence that I am looking forward to it. 

So I got home late but just in time to make dinner for Caro before she started HER work. I got to listen in to some of her meetings and it makes me happy to hear how happy she is these days. 

I mean, she still complains about losing the cachet of being a recruiter. And obviously she misses the money. But she actually seems to enjoy herself in meetings these days. There's no more being lectured by demanding doctors, or frantically calling health boards. Just laughter and although there's a lot of work for her (she's already going over her proposed 20 hour weeks - as predicted) she actually seems to like it. It makes me happy to see her like this.  

She can laugh. She can jive. She's clearly having the time of her life. 

And she don't have to reg-u-late.


* Cornettos

** I haven't even told him about "Congo" yet.

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