
By mcgoobs


Here is, Alex aka reluctant yet despotic quiz master, looking pensive. I think this photo sums up the context of 'pub quiz at the White Horse' quite well.... Taking pictures on Maddie's camera has made me want a new one, with a better lens. Damn.

Anyway, turns out it's good for something at least, as we had fun using the auto-focus light from my camera as a sort of off-camera flash for Maddie's camera, which in a dimly lit pub worked extremely well!

My day consisted off breakfast in Starbucks (to help me do work, of course!), an afternoon in the hairdressers and the aforementioned pub quiz. Oh, and ended on a hilarious conversation about 'manscaping' and bush/forest fires resulting from the misfiring of flares.... You sorta had to be there....

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