Still spring?

Started the day with a drive along Newlands Valley to Moss Force waterfalls, before continuing to Buttermere.

Moss force was frozen in parts, giving a beautiful array of frozen water contrasting with moving water. Below the falls in Newlands Valley, where the beck (stream) flows through marshy land, were an amazing array of icicles. Here the water had run down individual grasses, frozen and built up into these incredible shapes, including spreading out across the water (before the water level had lowered, leaving them hanging) - I also particularly liked the reflections of the icicles in the water below.

These icicles were about four feet long, but access to the best points to photograph them relied on carefully descending a steep slope and setting up a tripod where neither it, or the photographer was likely to fall in! We all stayed dry and successfully negotiated the tricky terrain.

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