Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle


Sunny spells with occasional rain showers outside during the morning. It felt warm sitting beside the window when the sun was out. However,  people walking past the window were well wrapped up.

On my lunchtime walk, I head over to the aconite flowers which have appeared. I took a photo of some aconites last week, but they weren't very good. These ones next to a wee log looked more photogenic. Having got my blip, I just enjoyed the walk, ending at the newsagent to get the weekly photography magazine.

Afternoon at work spent preparing stuff for a production release, not very exciting. Basically documentation and version control processes.

The sun was out again for the afternoon bike ride. It looked warm, but I wore thick gloves just in case it was cold. It certainly was in the wind, especially once the sun set. The wind was also 20mph with occasional gusts stronger than that, so not only a fast ride, a cold one too.

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