
Home mid-morning from the overnighter at's becoming a habit.

After the requisite catching-up and internet-fannying and mending yesterday's puncture (I pulled a sizeable nail from the tire, one of the more obvious answers to the, "What caused that then?" perennial cycling question) it was mid afternoon by the time I got out back for a pedal and, I have to say, it was rubbish. The bike felt all wrong, the turbo felt like the resistance was all askew, I could hear a bit of a noise-that-shouldn't-be there noise coming from the cassette. The tunes on the earphones kept me going otherwise I think I may well have just chucked the whole bloody lot over the railings and into the park in a hissy fit.

Quite calm now tho'. Ragu is simmering, the stereo behind me is playing summat appropriate, an easing-into-the-evening kind of CD. Cooking music.

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