
8°C  -  38 mph SW Wind Speed  -  48 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy with Sunny Intervals.  Brilliant sunny intervals  -  perfect for blipping, but – oh – the gusts  -  nearly knocked me over!!  Jolly cold, too  -  had an embarrassing moment in Lidls  -  my nose started running and my face mask was riding over my eyes!!!!  Why the £5 note blip?  Well, the Car Park was virtually empty  -  on my way to my car something blew towards me  -  this banknote!  No-one around so I pocketed it:) There is a story connected to this event  -  once, when I lived in Hampstead a £10 banknote blew towards me, and when I lived in Singapore I noticed a banknote in in a monsoon drain  - a 2 Singapore Dollar banknote!  Bet none of you can beat that story☺☺   Sent off to my sister the Family Tree my 2nd cousin sent me  -  turns out I had met her some 60 years ago!  Some catching up to do there, I should imagine.:)

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