Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Friday — Saying Goodbye

Ending three months of cleaning classrooms, mopping spilled milk, and dumping garbage cans full of uneaten cafeteria food should provide a measure of relief; however, heartache might be a more apt description.

Our oldest kid, Shawn, our son, has just said goodbye to this temporary custodian position with an elementary school in a small rural town in southwest Oregon. The fulltime employee who holds the position is returning after a long leave. Shawn is hoping that a permanent position at another school will soon be a reality.

During these past three months, Shawn emailed us photos and videos. He labeled the noise in the lunch room as sounding like a "war zone," and was amazed at the continual spilled drinks, but most of all, he could hardly believe the food that the children discarded day-after-day. I would remind him that they were kids, and they were job security for the janitor.

The encouragement and compliments he received from teachers, staff, and administrators nourished Shawn's soul. Everyone appreciated him and told him so often.

So this final day on the job was a little tough on his emotions. At one point, a first grade teacher called for his assistance and made it sound like an accident had occurred in the classroom and needed cleanup. Shawn went immediately. The students had not had an accident, but rather the entire First Grade was assembling to sing for Shawn a song they had composed and present him with the poster they had created (see photo). The teacher of one class asked each of her students to tell Shawn what he or she appreciated about Shawn. His voicemail to us a few moments later conveyed lots of emotion and a heart that was full from the generosity of others.

Watching Shawn's success these past months has been a blessing for us. We've told him that this setback of not getting a permanent position is a setup for something better and we believe it is.

We are thankful that he has a place to live on a farm with a Christian couple, Scott & Jody, who have befriended and encouraged him. I have told him to "not let the Future be his enemy." I hope he will face it with full thrust, engine revving, and lift off into it at just the right moment.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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